Bookmare 2

of average sunlight              BookMare 2


curated by Susan Johanknecht and Finlay Taylor


Sixteen small books propose events that respond to notions of natural phenomena. 
Here, of average sunlight indicates a measurement, a measurement of something invisible, of life-giving substance, of radioactive material. By Les Bicknell, Nicky Coutts, Helen Douglas, Oona Grimes, Denise Hawrysio, Susan Johanknecht & Andrew Turner, Bob Matthews, Katharine Meynell, Drew Milne, Redell Olsen, Tim O’Riley, Colin Sackett, Kate Scrivener, Mary Somerville with S. Johanknecht  & K. Meynell  Finlay Taylor, Erica Van Horn. 
This selection of works focus on the book at an intimate scale, a hand-held thing to be explored. Offering a small library to browse in one place.
Exhibitions: Kingsgate Studios, 2017. National Poetry Library, Southbank Centre, London 2018.